Next Steps

Next Steps is for those who would like to take the next step in committing to the mission of NewDay. Some Churches may call this "membership," but we've chosen to redefine what is church membership. 

At NewDay, we are made up of Mission Friends and Mission Partners

So, what is a Mission Friend & Mission Partner?

NewDay Mission Friend

A Mission Friend is one who says, "I have experienced the joy of being a part of the NewDay Church community that lives out their mission and vision in tangible ways.  I like interacting with the people here, building new friendships, and helping out where I can.  I just need a place right now where I can get refreshed and find hope in my journey.  I feel welcomed here."

As a Mission Friend, we only ask that you resonate with
the mission and vision of NewDay and desire
to share in the journey with us. 

You are an important part of our life together and we thank God for the opportunity to walk along with you.  It is our hope that we can encourage you, pray for you, challenge you, and get to know you better.

NewDay Mission Partner

A Mission Partner asks the question,
"HOW can I partner together with the NewDay community
to become who God has called ME to BE
and join in the work He has called us to DO?"

There are four primary ways in which each mission partner can connect with the NewDay church family that will make an eternal impact in their own life and the lives of those around them...

1.  I desire healthy, life-giving relationships with others.

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.
But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT)

 2.  I desire a place where my family and I can grow stronger in our walk with Jesus.

“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching,
and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals
(including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.”

(Acts 2:42 NLT)

3.  I desire to learn how my gifts, abilities, and resources can best be used to encourage, challenge, and build others up. 

“We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.” 
(Romans 15:2 NLT)

4.  I desire to become a bigger part of this ministry and make a life-changing impact on the people and world around us!

“And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 
For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself,
no longer counting people’s sins against them.
And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us.
We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
(2 Cor. 5:18-20 NLT)


If you'd like to participate in NewDay Next Steps please email the NewDay office: